■Product name : syunsui- Mushroom Kimchi
■Product Introduction : syunsui- Mushroom Kimchi is a kimchi characterized by the plump texture of Shinshu eringi mushrooms. A mix of Chinese cabbage, daikon (Japanese radish), nozawana (field mustard), and carrots is added with krill salted fish, which is the key to its umami. It is a mildly spicy luxury kimchi filled with a variety of delicious flavors. As a snack to accompany alcoholic beverages, it goes well with beer, sake, shochu, etc. Also, please enjoy it as an accompaniment to white rice.
■Raw Material Label : Chinese cabbage (made in Japan), eringi mushroom (produced in Nagano prefecture), radish (produced in Japan), nozawana (Brassica napus), carrot, sesame, pickles [isomerized liquid sugar, salt, chili pepper, garlic, krill, vinegar, soy sauce, onion, ginger, apple, sugar, seafood extract, protein hydrolysate, brewing seasoning] / seasoning (amino acid, etc.), carotenoid color, sweetener (stevia), vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B4, vitamin B6, vitamin B6, vitamin B6, vitamin B6, vitamin B6, vitamin B6, vitamin B6, vitamin B6, vitamin B6, vitamin B6 Polysaccharides, acidifier, sweetener (stevia), vitamin B1
■Contents : 130g
■Storage : Store at room temperature out of direct sunlight.
■Allergy : Wheat, Soybeans, Apples, Sesame are included as part of the ingredients. The factory where this product is manufactured also produces products containing Shrimp, Eggs, Milk, and Peanuts.

■Notice :
- After opening, store at 10℃ or below and consume as soon as possible.
■商品名 : 旬粋杏鲍菇腌菜

■商品介绍 : 旬粋杏鲍菇腌菜 是一种以信州杏鲍菇的饱满口感为著称的泡菜。 大白菜、萝卜、糯米和胡萝卜与磷虾咸鱼的结合,是其美味的关键。 这种微辣的豪华泡菜巧妙地结合了各种食材的美味。 作为佐酒小吃,它可以与啤酒、清酒和烧酒搭配。 此外,还可与白米饭搭配食用。
■配料 : 大白菜(日本产)、杏鲍菇(长野)、萝卜(日本产)、野芥菜、胡萝卜、芝麻、腌菜[异构化液态糖、盐、辣椒、大蒜、磷虾、醋、酱油、葱、姜、苹果、糖、海鲜提取物、蛋白质水解物、酿造调味料] / 调味料(氨基酸等)、类胡萝卜素色素、多糖增稠剂、酸味剂、甜味剂(甜叶菊)、维生素 B1
■内容量 : 130g
■保存方法: 室温保存,避免阳光直射。
■过敏成分: 配料中含有苹果,小麦,芝麻,大豆 。生产该产品的工厂有含虾, 鸡蛋,牛奶,花生的生产线。

■注意 :
- 开封后请在 10°C 以下保存,并尽快食用
※This photo is for illustrative purposes.